Helsinki Stock Exchange general index has been calculated using the Mercator index from 1/1919 to 12/1928, Unitas General Index from 1/1929 to 10/1990, HEX General Index from 11/1990 to 6/2005 and OMX Helsinki General Index from 7/2005 onwards. Values before 12/1992 are monthly averages and from 12/1992 monthly closing values.

It is easier to find cycles in momentum chart. It is likely that there has been a nine year cycle in HSE general index. It has bottomed in 1922, 1931, 1940, 1949, 1958, 1967, 1976, 1985, 1994, 2003 and 2012. The next bottom will occur in 2021 +/- one year.

The latter chart introduces the Finnish Consumer Confidence Indicator as a stock market timing tool. Values above 3 indicate high risk and values below -8 low risk in owning stocks.